It’s no secret that I hear the words “baby whisperer” A LOT. True, it’s literally my job to know how to soothe newborns and help them sleep. But sadly, my expertise pretty much ends once they’re out of the newborn phase. Through the Calvert County Chamber of Commerce, I’ve been able to connect with a sleep guru for all ages, and I’m so excited to introduce her to you!
This is Christine Stevens, the expert behind Sleep Solutions by Christine. She’s one of the top sleep consultants in the US, and guess what?! She’s located right here in Calvert County!
As a mom of a toddler, Christine is no stranger to the struggles parents face when it comes to sleep. Quality sleep is SO important, not just for your children, but for you too! You can’t pour from an empty cup, and being well-rested ensures that you can give your very best to your family, work, and your life.
Christine is just all-around fun to work with and easy to relate to. She won’t judge your current sleep situation because she’s seen it all – even parents that sleep in the CRIB with their babies! We got together recently so that I could see more of her process. Christine helped me put Ellie down for a nap and gave some great advice for helping to establish better routines.
Christine can help you too! Whether you’re a brand new parent trying to help your baby learn the difference between night and day, or you’ve got a toddler that just won’t sleep without you, Christine has practical, gentle solutions to help everyone sleep better. And, she’s generously offered a complimentary 15-minute consultation to AWP clients! Just send Christine an email and tell her I sent you.
Happy sleeping, mama!
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