Today I’ve got a personal update to share: the third baby Wose is expected in November! Read on for more about my candid and evolving thoughts on this HUGE surprise, the girls’ reaction, and what this pregnancy has been like so far!
A pregnancy was definitely not in the plan for 2022, but you know what they say about plans. Adam and I had hoped for another for quite a while after Ellie was born, figured it wasn’t in the cards for us, and finally parted with every last baby item we’d held onto in January of this year. I can’t even describe what receiving this news was like after thinking this chapter of our lives was over. To be totally honest, many tears were cried and they weren’t all happy ones.
But the passing weeks have brought new perspective. I’m realizing just how different a pregnancy and newborn experience will be now, in my 30s and self-employed, than it was in my 20s! My due date coincides perfectly with when I typically stop shooting for the winter anyway, so I’m going to have four full months of maternity leave. I can’t wait to spend the winter snuggling a little miracle baby!
Caroline & Ellie’s Reaction
We told the girls about the pregnancy very early on. My first two pregnancies were filled with morning sickness that would be difficult to hide from them, and honestly, I think I needed to embrace some excitement regarding the news. Caroline and Ellie have been BEGGING for a baby for years, but I think even they had given up hope…so the news came as a HUGE happy surprise to them!
Caroline cried tears of joy which was the sweetest thing to witness, and Ellie talks to the baby every day. One of the things I’m most looking forward to is seeing them thrive in their new roles as big sisters! They’re constantly debating whether it’s a boy or a girl and all the things they’re going to do with baby. It’s really, really cute!

The First Few Weeks & Future Plans
Fortunately, that morning sickness I was all but counting on has NEVER arisen! We have been sick with other ailments such as the flu and an awful stomach bug, but I’m thrilled to share that fatigue has been my only real pregnancy symptom thus far. I have a theory that this might be due to the change in my lifestyle since my first two pregnancies. With Caroline and Ellie I was waking up at 5AM to drive into the office, but now I don’t get up until 7AM and work from the comfort of home. Part of me thinks I might just be sleeping through the morning sickness?
I was worried about shooting weddings pregnant, but I’ve already photographed five weddings this year with no issues at all! I just keep an extra granola bar on hand and ask my second shooters to make sure I’m drinking enough water, and so far it’s been great. It actually works out well this year, as I have just three summer weddings in 2022 – so much less time out in the hot sun than usual!
To my clients and fellow photographer friends, THANK YOU for your grace, kind words, and support as we navigate this new development. All of my clients have been so wonderful and understanding, and I truly appreciate it.
And to anyone out there navigating an unexpected pregnancy, please know that you’re not alone, and you’re not a failure. You’re entitled to the range of complicated emotions you may feel, and I fully support whatever choice is best for you.
Rest assured that this changes nothing for me and my work, I’ll just be a little rounder at this year’s weddings and portrait sessions. So excited for this new journey!
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