I suppose I should wrap up my holiday blogging before we get any further into 2017! My stepmom, Stacie, was able to come visit for the first time since before Caroline was born. I’m so glad she finally got to meet my daughters, and they were thrilled to meet someone who loves bubbles as much as they do!
This is Caroline with my youngest brother, David. She absolutely adored her “Uncle Dabid” as she called him, and he tolerated her as well as a teenager could be expected to tolerate a toddler!
A few days later, on New Years Eve, we got together with Adam’s extended family to celebrate the holidays. Shooting in such low lighting was tough for my little D3300, but I still got some lovely shots. Dreaming of the day that I can upgrade!

Ellie and her Aunt Kait.
I fared much better once I was outdoors and back in my element. This image of Adam’s sisters was taken as I nearly fell backwards into a hole. An occupational hazard, I suppose?
The weekend was packed as my dad came up to visit as well. We spent some time down on the docks showing Caroline how crab pots work. Sometimes it’s hard that my dad lives so far away, but I love the time we’re able to spend together when he’s here. Here’s hoping we can get down to Florida this spring to visit!
And as if there wasn’t enough going on, this girl turned six months old on New Years Day! I can’t believe it’s been half a year since our sweet Eleanor Jane was born, and I can hardly remember what it was like before we were a family of four. Watching my daughters love on each other is truly the sweetest part of my life, and I get to see it every day. How lucky am I?!
The weekend wrapped up with an amazing studio session that I can’t wait to share in a few days. My business calendar is already filling up quickly for the spring, and I can’t wait to see what 2017 has in store for my family and for Amanda Wose Photography. Happy New Year!
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