Danielle and I met where many moms meet these days: in a mom group on Facebook. When you become a mom, these groups become your tribe. A place to vent, to commiserate, to seek advice and ask questions you’re too embarrassed to ask the ped (no, you don’t need to feed water to your newborn – I’ll save you a Google search). So when Danielle mentioned that she was a doula, I had to learn more.

Meet Danielle! She’s a rockstar.
Danielle and her business partner, Megan, operate Chesapeake Birth and Baby, a doula team offering a range of services to new and expecting mothers in Maryland. The two invited me to tag along one Saturday as they provided postpartum support to a mom who’d just given birth the week before.
Y’ALL. Stop for a sec.
Do you realize what “postpartum support” is? I watched in awe as these rockstars did the dishes, folded laundry, tidied up common areas, and even walked the dog, Marley, all while validating their client, listening to what she needed, providing guidance, and just checking in on that mom at the moment she needs it most.
And that’s not all: these ladies provide childbirth classes, labor & support services, and they run a Facebook support group just for Maryland moms.

This is Marley. She’s pretty psyched to be a big sister.
I cannot tell you how much I wish I’d known these two when I was having my babies. You simply cannot know how giving birth is going to affect you until you’ve done it, but these women have seen it all and are such an invaluable resource to their clients.

This is Megan. Her third labor took 10 minutes. You NEED her in the delivery room with you.
In a time where we moms can feel so isolated from each other and the outside world, the love and service doulas give is truly a breath of fresh air. While Danielle helps mom with the baby, Megan tells me all about their placenta encapsulation process and quickly whips out a few of these little brown capsules.
Perhaps sensing my pause, she laughs and tells me they’re just for show! Fun fact: hot cocoa power apparently looks EXACTLY like an encapsulated placenta. The more you know, right?!

Danielle checking in with mom after fetching some water for her.

Megan giving mama a break and getting some snuggles with Elliott.
I had such a great time getting to know these ladies and all that they do for Maryland moms. Serious question – I have a 10 month old. Is it too late to receive postpartum doula support?! I might have to have a third baby after all.
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