Newborn photography is my absolute favorite genre. I love being one of the first people to snuggle baby, providing a cozy, inviting place for parents to rest, and creating stunning images that will be adored for a lifetime.
You may not realize it, but a LOT of planning, preparation, education, and training has gone into your baby’s session, long before he or she is even born! Below you’ll find a few tips to ensure success at your newborn session.
1. Relax.
Babies can literally smell fear and anxiety, especially from their mama. I have created a warm, calming studio to allow my parents to fully relax while they’re here, and I educate every client as to exactly what they can expect throughout the session. Ultimately though, the smoothest sessions tend to happen when mama is totally relaxed and comfortable. I encourage you to think of the session as a nice 2-3 hour break – feel free to curl up on the couch with a book, catch up on social media, or even take a little catnap. Baby is in excellent hands, and I’ll let you know if I need you!
2. Manage expectations.
Just like adults, babies are all different too. While I do utilize the same basic workflow for almost every baby, every session is unique, just like baby. Not every baby will be able to do every pose. Newborn portrait sessions take 2-4 hours, and most of that time is spent soothing and feeding baby. We move at their pace and never, ever force something that they just don’t want to do. Rest assured, we will get beautiful images no matter what!
3. Keep it simple.
I know the little tutus and baby-size team jerseys are cute, but leave them at home for the newborn portrait session. I create classic, timeless portraits of your baby, and many store-bought props may look outdated before your little one even gets to kindergarten. I have a huge, ever-growing selection of premium fabrics, props, wraps, and backdrops in an array of colors and textures that will stand the test of time. Neutrals always photograph beautifully!
4. Prepare for some tears!
Parents, I’m warning you now! I present each client with a printed reveal, meaning you will be able to see and hold each portrait in your gallery when you view it for the first time. In this digital age, this experience is often incredibly emotional and powerful. I’ll have tissues on hand and will most likely be tearing up right along with you! Creating artwork for my clients is truly one of my greatest blessings, and it’s an honor to serve you in this way. You’ll even be able to purchase your favorite portraits and take them home with you that day.
For more tips and insider info, sign up below for your free copy of my complete newborn e-magazine! You and baby will be totally set up to rock the newborn session with these helpful hints!
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