The weather has been wreaking havoc on my shooting schedule recently, but after a few rainouts, I FINALLY got to meet Kylie and Brandon in Solomons for their engagement session! Rain clouds loomed overhead, but thankfully never let loose and I swear the sun even peeked out for a moment at the end.
Kylie and I had been chatting for a few weeks planning the details and totally clicked when we met in person. Her and Brandon’s story is crazy similar to mine and Adam’s, right down to the Facebook message from her that made it all happen! Kylie’s an introvert (one of those bubbly kinds, YES we exist!) and one New Year’s Eve, made a resolution to push herself out of her shell and meet new people.
So who does she reach out to? A guy she’s known since childhood – Brandon! And the rest, as they say, is history. These two are super sweet, TONS of fun, and did so well during their session. Even Brandon was getting in on the posing by the end!
Well done, you two. Enjoy a few of my favorites from our time together!
This is one of my favorite locations in southern Maryland. Talk about a view!
Worried about rain on your wedding day? Don’t be! The clouds overhead are what actually made this session turn out so well. Thanks to the cloud cover, there are no harsh shadows or squinty eyes!
This mint tulle skirt is seriously speaking my language. And it’s part of the AWP studio wardrobe, so clients have access to it for their sessions!
The dip was all Brandon’s idea! They nailed it!
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