My first session of the year did not disappoint! After several weeks off for the holidays, it felt great to be back in action. I headed to the C family’s home in Washington, DC to create lifestyle newborn portraits of their son, Beckham. It was the perfect way to get back into the swing of work!
Beckham was about three weeks old at the time of the session. This is what I love about lifestyle sessions as opposed to studio! Lifestyle sessions take place in your own home, so they’re inherently natural, comfortable, and intimate. There’s no rush to make sure the session takes place in the first few days, meaning everyone has time to heal and adjust to the new normal. You can almost feel how relaxed both parents and baby are!
If you’re feeling uncertain about a lifestyle session because you’re worried your house isn’t photogenic enough – I’m here to tell you that you have nothing to worry about. All I need is one room with light colored walls and big windows to let in natural light! Believe it or not, this family was in the middle of a major renovation and move when this session took place, but you’d never know it by the look of these portraits. For a little while, all of the distractions and chores just faded away while these two loved on their little boy.
Speaking of that little guy, I don’t think Beckham fell asleep ONCE this entire session! He was totally content to watch everything around him, especially the Christmas tree and my camera. Beckham set the bar high for giving me the most sustained eye contact during a newborn session, that’s for sure!
Enjoy a few of my favorites from this newborn session!
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