Spring has sprung in Washington, DC! The cherry blossoms are stars of the show around here, but if you ask me, the magnolia blossoms are even better. Saucer magnolias typically bloom about two weeks prior to the cherry blossoms, are a little pinker in color, and best of all: attract much smaller crowds. As a seasoned Washington DC photographer, I know all the best locations to find spring blooms. The timing and weather were both perfect for Hannah and Kyle’s pregnancy announcement portraits!
Rawlins Park is one of my favorite locations for magnolia blossom portraits. It’s just a tiny little park near DAR and the Red Cross building, but for one week in early spring, it bursts with color. Even though it was golden hour on a beautiful spring day, there was still barely anyone there. Such a difference compared to the Tidal Basin!
Hannah and Kyle’s path to parenthood has been anything but easy, so I was thrilled to hear that they are expecting baby #2. What better way to celebrate exciting news than with new portraits? Can’t wait to see these two become parents again, and for Eva to become a big sister!
Magnolia Blossom Pregnancy Announcement at Rawlins Park

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