Brandon and Helen are getting married! It was so much fun to catch back up with the soon-to-be newlyweds for their DC cherry blossom engagement photos. Last February, I captured their in-home proposal, so being involved in more wedding planning (and photos!) is so special to me. Brandon and Helen are the sweetest and every time I get to see them, I become even more glad that we’re friends. I can’t wait until their wedding day!
Tidal Basin Engagement Session in DC
Brandon and Helen’s engagement session took place at the Tidal Basin in Washington DC during peak bloom for the iconic cherry blossoms. This is my favorite time to work in the city – it’s totally worth dealing with the crowds for these views! Brandon and Helen were troopers – so patient as we navigated when to have our session, and then actually showing up and being ready to make it all happen. Cherry blossom sessions definitely require a little extra patience as there are always people everywhere!
Springtime DC Cherry Blossom Engagement Photos
Brandon and Helen’s portraits turned out to be absolutely amazing! We had the chance to walk around the blooms – the pale pink and white blossoms as the backdrop in many of their photos – and then also explore some of what’s around the Tidal Basin. Brandon and Helen held hands and snuggled up happily, relaxing together. It was perfect! I absolutely love this time of year in Washington DC. Everything is just so beautiful and the pink blossoms are so sweet.
Brandon and Helen, I’m so happy for you both and thrilled that we were able to make your DC cherry blossom engagement photos happen! They were a dream come true. It was the best way to document this special season in your lives! Congratulations again on your engagement! I can’t wait for your big day!!

Interested in a DC Cherry Blossom Session?
When planning a DC cherry blossom session, flexibility is essential. Peak bloom lasts for just a few days, and it’s impossible to predict exactly when it will be until we’re just a couple weeks out. Historically peak bloom happens in late March to early April, and has been trending earlier the past several years. If you’re interested in photos with the blossoms, reach out soon. We can start tracking the calendar and the blossoms together! Visit this link for all the insider info you need to plan the cherry blossom portraits of your dreams.
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Ready to book your DC wedding photographer? Let’s chat! I’d love to document your colorful wedding day. Click HERE to get in touch.
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