I suppose I should wrap up my holiday blogging before we get any further into 2017! My stepmom, Stacie, was able to come visit for the first time since before Caroline was born. I’m so glad she finally got to meet my daughters, and they were thrilled to meet someone who loves bubbles as much […]

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Hello! I hope your holiday season has been absolutely wonderful thus far. There’s still plenty of celebrating left for us yet as family continues to visit over the coming week, but here are a few gems from our own Christmas morning. This was my daughter Ellie’s first Christmas, as well as Caroline’s first Christmas as […]

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Last Sunday, I headed over to Greenwell State Park to meet the Neal family for a lifestyle session. Amy and I work together, but it was my first chance meeting the rest of her family, including the most adorable boys, Grayden and Dawson. Greenwell was a really special location for the family, because it’s where […]

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