dc newborn photographer

As a newborn photographer, so often all I see is the happy ending: a beautiful, healthy baby. Tired but beaming parents. Older children becoming siblings. It’s wonderful, but so often, there’s so much more that goes unseen and undocumented: the endless waiting. The invasive tests and questions from well-meaning relatives. The crushing news received during […]

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Have you ever met someone whose story instantly inspires you? That’s how I felt when I first met Candi. She’s a Tennessean, an F-18 pilot for the US Navy, best friends with her mama, former pageant girl, and just an all-around awesome person. If there was ever a contest for the person with the most […]

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This session was so special. Shandi and I worked together a few years ago and when I found out she was expecting her second baby, I knew I just had to photograph her! Shandi and her husband, Ian, have gone through so much for their babies, and their love and gratitude for their children just […]

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There’s something truly magical about pregnancy. The anticipation, the overflowing love, the dream of what lies ahead is often palpable among parents-to-be. My time with Katie, a friend from college, and her husband Kyle was all of that and more. Kyle couldn’t stop smiling if he tried, and Katie positively glowed with happiness. I don’t […]

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