Jessica’s mom and I have known each other for years through work, and so I was thrilled when they contacted me about wedding and engagement portraits! Jess and her fiancé, Dayne, met at their alma mater, St. Mary’s College of Maryland. They both work at SMCM now and anyone from southern Maryland knows how gorgeous the campus is, so it was a no-brainer that we’d meet there for their engagement session! 

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Ahhh, the engagement session. It’s included with the signature AWP wedding collection, and for good reason! For most couples, this is your first time being professionally photographed together – or maybe even at all! It’s a chance for us to work together before the stressure (that’s stress + pressure) of the wedding day, and for you to feel confident and celebrate this milestone in your relationship. As a sweet bonus, the end result is beautiful portraits that aren’t in wedding day attire, and that ultimately may feel more natural and true to you.

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You guys, 2017 has been an INCREDIBLE year so far. I’ve met some amazing families, and found better ways to love and serve them. Biggest of all, I made a huge career change that allows me more time with my family and greater flexibility to grow my studio into what I want it to become. […]

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