As a child and family photographer, one question I hear alllll the time from parents is: how the heck do you do it? I wish I could say it’s easy, but it’s not. Creating beautiful images of children is HARD! Patience and confidence, y’all. You know how they say dogs can smell fear? Well, kids […]

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Yesterday I toured an absolutely AMAZING location that I cannot wait to share with you guys. From the moment I entered the gates at London Town & Gardens, it truly felt like I was walking into a fairytale. It’s the epitome of southern Maryland: stunning coastal views, historic tobacco barns, and of course: some of […]

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Have you ever met someone and felt like God put them in your path at just the moment you needed to meet them? That’s exactly how I feel about my new friend Katera, and I’m thrilled to introduce her to my AWP tribe today! Katera contacted me through my website a few weeks ago, introducing […]

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You guys, 2017 has been an INCREDIBLE year so far. I’ve met some amazing families, and found better ways to love and serve them. Biggest of all, I made a huge career change that allows me more time with my family and greater flexibility to grow my studio into what I want it to become. […]

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It’s safe to say spring has sprung in southern Maryland! I met the Snyder family on a beautiful Sunday afternoon for this session. Our original location, Ann Marie Gardens, was totally washed out from several rainy days prior, so we quickly turned to Plan B: Calvert Marina. The marina is a stunning piece of property […]

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This session was so special. Shandi and I worked together a few years ago and when I found out she was expecting her second baby, I knew I just had to photograph her! Shandi and her husband, Ian, have gone through so much for their babies, and their love and gratitude for their children just […]

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How often are we moms stuck behind the camera, or even worse, at the mercy of our (well-intentioned!) husbands fumbling with an iPhone, hoping to get one semi-decent shot? Moms, I know that what you truly want are beautiful, intentional photographs of you *with* your children. That’s why I’ve designed my newest collection with you […]

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It’s no secret that moms love to take pictures. A piece of your heart is literally walking around outside your body, growing and changing every day. You want to capture every minute – especially in the early days. I took the above image when my youngest daughter, Eleanor, was just three days old. I whipped […]

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Jaxon’s newborn session was like stepping in to a time machine. When Marie told me that her older son, Kenny, was just 21 months old, I knew what we would be in for – that’s exactly the age spread between my girls. Kenny kept us on our toes, but nonetheless we had an absolutely wonderful […]

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I have the greatest job in the world. Sure, the occupational hazards include the risk of getting peed on (or worse) and posing newborns requires the patience of Job, BUT LOOK AT THIS BOY. Connor is just the sweetest little babe, with big, thoughtful eyes and beautiful fair skin. He is most definitely his mama’s […]

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