Grab something yummy and settle in, because I’ve got a treat for you this evening! I met Rebecca and Anthony for their engagement session on Friday evening, and these two totally rocked it. This was my first time meeting Anthony, and right away the two of them reminded me of myself and my husband, Adam! Rebecca is bubbly and outgoing, while Anthony is more softspoken. They’re a perfect pair!

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Kara and I found each other on social media, and as soon as she hopped out of Joey’s truck on the evening of their engagement session, I knew she was my kind of girl! Kara and Joey are super laid back, love on each other constantly, and were just instantly wonderful to be around. 

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My grandmother’s health had in decline for awhile, and she made the heartbreaking decision to end treatment and come home under hospice care. With family gathered here in Maryland to help out and say goodbyes, my sister, Taylor, and her fiancé, David, put a wonderful plan in motion.

“What are you doing tomorrow at 2:30?”, she texted me, “David and I are getting married!” 

And just like that, a beautiful wedding was planned in less than 18 hours’ notice, all so that our sweet Momo could be there to witness it. 

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How do you want to be photographed? I begin all consultations with this simple question. Because it’s not about me, it’s about you. Let me show you your greatest possible self. The beautiful soul that your family and friends adore. You are enough, you are worth it, you are valuable. Great portraits are a side […]

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You’ve heard it a million times – your wedding day goes by in the blink of an eye. The months (or years!) of planning and preparation will be over before you know it, and the next day, all you’ll have is your groom and your photographs. It’s my job to make sure the latter are […]

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They say that if you don’t like the weather in Maryland just wait ten minutes, and that’s exactly how Kelsey and Travis’s engagement session went. We met at the historic London Town & Garden on a beautiful Wednesday afternoon. Then it began to rain, but the sun was still shining. Then, the skies opened and […]

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Have you ever met someone and immediately felt like old friends? Sometimes within just the space of an hour, you can go from formal introductory handshakes to big hugs goodbye, with smiles and stories fueling the soul for days to come afterward. That’s exactly what happened the day I met Lindsay and Michael (aka Zook) […]

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I believe firmly in the power of manifestation. I’m a walking-and-talking example of speaking a goal into reality, so let’s keep it up: I want to start booking weddings. Not to worry – I will always love my family and newborn clients. I connect to your stories, your struggles, your successes, and I will always […]

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You guys, 2017 has been an INCREDIBLE year so far. I’ve met some amazing families, and found better ways to love and serve them. Biggest of all, I made a huge career change that allows me more time with my family and greater flexibility to grow my studio into what I want it to become. […]

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